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When placing the order, a day of shipment is indicated. After the order has been placed, the same delivery time will also be stated on the order confirmation. It is therefore never possible that during the order, the shipping day on the website is different than on the order confirmation.

When placing the order, a day of shipment is indicated. After the order has been placed, the same delivery time will also be stated on the order confirmation. It is therefore never possible that during the order, the shipping day on the website is different than on the order confirmation.

When placing the order, a day of shipment is indicated. After the order has been placed, the same delivery time will also be stated on the order confirmation. It is therefore never possible that during the order, the shipping day on the website is different than on the order confirmation.

When placing the order, a day of shipment is indicated. After the order has been placed, the same delivery time will also be stated on the order confirmation. It is therefore never possible that during the order, the shipping day on the website is different than on the order confirmation.

Wir übernehmen die Kosten für das Rücksendeetikett, wenn du Artikel innerhalb der gesetzlichen Frist 30-Tagen Rückgaberecht zurückschickst.

Wir übernehmen keine Portokosten für selbst eingereichte Rücksendungen. Daher empfehlen wir dringend, das Rücksendeetikett und die Rücksendebearbeitung bei uns anzufordern, um einen reibungslosen Ablauf zu gewährleisten.

Die Artikel müssen ungetragen und in einwandfreiem Zustand sein, um für eine volle Erstattung in Betracht zu kommen. Verwende idealerweise die Originalverpackung für die Rücksendung, um sicherzustellen, dass die Artikel während des Transports geschützt sind.

Bei weiteren Fragen zu unserem Rückgabeprozess stehen wir dir gerne zur Verfügung. Kontaktiere uns einfach.

When placing the order, a day of shipment is indicated. After the order has been placed, the same delivery time will also be stated on the order confirmation. It is therefore never possible that during the order, the shipping day on the website is different than on the order confirmation.

When placing the order, a day of shipment is indicated. After the order has been placed, the same delivery time will also be stated on the order confirmation. It is therefore never possible that during the order, the shipping day on the website is different than on the order confirmation.
